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Diego Horcajada
Aug 31, 20201 min read
How do you support a team through change?
Change management is a complex undertaking, which requires the consideration of many different aspects in a holistic and customized...

Diego Horcajada
Aug 17, 20201 min read
Why do we struggle with our inventories? How can we align our supply chains to actual market demand?
If you find that traditional planning and managing methods no longer fit your business needs, you are not alone, and your supply chain is...

Diego Horcajada
May 31, 20201 min read
How can you adapt your supply chain to the new global reality?
The current crisis is an opportunity to reset a system that has relied on outdated paradigms. Supply chains across most industries have...

Diego Horcajada
Mar 9, 20201 min read
What is DDMRP?
DDMRP is an innovative method for multi-echelon Supply Chain Planning & Execution. It integrates the best of MRP, DRP, Lean, 6 Sigma and...

Diego Horcajada
Feb 17, 20201 min read
Why so much noise about DDMRP?
DDMRP enhances resilience of the supply chain by preventing volatility passing up and down the chain, and it achieves this by applying a...

Diego Horcajada
Feb 10, 20201 min read
How do you assess the robustness of your Supply Chain?
The coronavirus crisis dramatically reminds us just how fragile and vulnerable today’s Supply Chains are; see for example the recent...

Diego Horcajada
Jan 27, 20201 min read
The Ostrich Attitude
Let’s accept it, the most widely used planning system, Material Requirement Planning (MRP), is not delivering sufficient performance...

Diego Horcajada
Jan 6, 20201 min read
2019 and 2020, 2 crucial years for IPros
2020 is starting at an incredible pace for IPros. We are very excited about engaging, learning and growing with all the challenges this...
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