Planning and executing in the 21st century
At IPros we are convinced that major changes in the way we plan and manage our Supply Chains are now becoming mandatory. Traditional planning and managing methods fall short under the current business environment.​
At IPros, as an affiliate of the Demand Driven Institute, we help our customers navigate the transition to Demand Driven Supply Chain Management.
The ostrich attitude
Let’s accept it, the most widely used planning system, Material Requirement Planning (MRP), is not delivering the promise anymore. Supply planners across all industries rely on Excel spreadsheets in an attempt to enhance their visibility and keep their supply planning under control.

Does it apply to my business?
DDMRP is a multi-echelon Supply Chain Planning & Execution solution. DDMRP implementations have been proved effective in all environments:
Distribution of finished goods with simple or complex networks
Manufacturing environment with stocked and not stocked parts
Purchasing environment for both long and short lead time purchased items