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The world is a random experiment

How does my supply chain react to market volatility? How robust is my industrial set up? Where are the bottlenecks today, and where will they be tomorrow? What is the most appropriate inventory strategy to face the many uncertainties of real market and operations?


Answering these questions becomes a very difficult task in a volatile and uncertain world. Supply chains and industrial systems are complex, non-linear and behave in an unpredictable way. In many cases, minor events can have very significant and unexpected consequences that can impair service level and productivity.


Simulation technologies provide powerful means to manage complexity and uncertainty, they constitute the best way to assess real-world behaviors and improve the quality of management decisions.


IPros has developed a proprietary platform, IPros D-OPT, based on digital modeling, dynamic simulation and analytical optimization to support its customers in real world decision-making.

Digital Modeling

We use your company data to represent your system and its environment most accurately.


Quantitative Dynamic Simulation and Analytical Optimization

Quantitative dynamic simulation provides decision makers with a powerful tool that assures sound decisions and awareness of all the consequences and risks.

IPros Solution

Our proprietary solution Digital Operations Platform (D-OPT) supports our customers in assessing the most challenging questions in their supply chain and operations.

© 2018 by IPros. All Rights Reserved.

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