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Tailored Training Programs

Supported by business simulation and IPros' proprietary training tools, our training programs are built to link learning with the business reality. We customize the training to align with your current operational constraints and ongoing projects in your organization.


An updated and coherent level of competencies in the whole supply chain is essential to assure high performances and appropriate reactivity in today’s fast changing business environment. Standard training programs are too general and not sufficiently aligned with the specific company products, processes and terminology; their return on investment is therefore disappointing.


IPros enjoys a long experience in building customized training programs according to specific company objectives and constraints. To do so, we leverage two main assets, grounded on over 20 years of practice in top-level academic institutions:


Our proven know-how in developing pedagogical scenarios that takes into account the current capability levels and backgrounds of the participants, their ability to learn and the final competence targets.


Our proficiency in experiential learning that takes advantage of the power of simulation to facilitate the learning process, strongly reinforce the motivation and enhance the lasting effect of the training.


Examples of tailored training programs developed by IPros:


  • Inventory Management in the Watch Industry: Three half-day customized training program targeted at the middle management staff in production planning, production management and logistics of a major watch-making company. Supported by company specific application cases.

  • Production Planning in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Half-day customized training module for the middle management staff in production planning and production management of a pharmaceutical company. Supported by company specific examples and customized group work.

  • Scheduling in the Precious Metal Industry: Half-day customized training module for the middle management staff in production planning and production management of a manufacturing company in the precious metal sector. Supported by company specific application cases.

  • Supply Chain Design in the Pharmaceutical Industry: Two half-day customized training program targeted at Supply Chain professionals of major pharmaceutical companies. Based on experiential learning methodologies supported by business specific customized simulation modules.

  • Material Management in the Machine Industry: Six half-day customized training program targeted at Material Management and Procurement professionals of a major enterprise of the machine industry. Based on experiential learning methodologies supported by business specific customized simulation modules.

  • Supply Chain Management in the Watch Industry: Five half-day customized training program targeted at the middle management staff in production planning, production management and Supply Chain management of a major watch-making company. Based on experiential learning methodologies supported by company specific customized simulation modules.

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